Dog of the month
Scooter — More information
We are a group of volunteers sharing a great passion for animals. In particular, we are concerned about the sad situation involving Greyhounds racing in the U.K. and IE tracks, and Spanish galgos still used (and abused) for hunting.
We may look a bit too selective, but unfortunately it’s quite impossible to help every pet in need; a choice must be made, and that is why we focused on these dogs, beautiful, docile, but nonetheless still considered as “livestock” in their home countries.
We have built up this association, with Dario (our President) and Francesca who had already volunteered for Greyhound Adopt Center Italy, and our only purpose is to give Irish Greyhounds and Lurchers, and Spanish Galgos a new chance in their unfortunate lives and a bright future with loving families...
All of us have experience with sighthounds; we wish to spread a word on behalf of these dogs to people, in order for them to know about this unnecessary cruelty towards such sweet natured companions...
December 15th, 2007: our first transport
This day is a milestone for us: 35 doggies (27 greyhounds and 8 lurchers) have found their forever sofas in Italy (European Greyhound Network) and Slovenia (Pomoč Hrtom).
Thank you to EVERYONE involved in this project, and especially to:
- In Ireland:
- The rescues and their teams (Abhaile Greyhounds, Cottage Rescue, Clare Animal Welfare);
- The trainers, owners and breeders for letting us have their dogs, (some of you have looked after dogs that weren’t yours, and for free, you know who you are and God bless you);
- The Irish Greyhound Board for co-funding the transport, and for their great support in general;
- Our transporters, who did a great job (as always!);
- In the UK:
- Andy G. (thanks for your patience, Heskey is ADORED by his new family!);
- In Italy and Slovenia:
- All the volunteers of EGN and Pomoč Hrtom;
- All the families for giving the hounds their forever home;
- Dr. Ileana Mainini, from the Veterinary Clinic Anselmi & Mainini (Castano Primo/Italy) for checking all the dogs upon arrival;
- Everyone from “La Tollara” dog training centre, for letting our dogs “land” there, and for their support and help;
And last but not least to the families of all the crazy people involved in this, for their patience and support.
This has been great team work! THANK YOU very much to everybody!
Pictures and updates are in the Italian section (pages are almost pictures only, so it’s not a problem if you don’t speak Italian).